a little to the left

placement is key.

in trying to make these

mountain colors hand-painted mitts

simple enough that i could work them without a pattern

(after i’d gotten through two or three pair to learn the way),

i find that just where all the bits go matters so very much.

IMG_5152cropi started with one cable.

that left a big,

awkward swath of

reverse stockinette

at the base of the thumb.

no good.

without reworking the rest,

i tried a second cable

at the base of the thumb,

but then it seemed

to rise up out of nothing and

i didn’t like it a bit.

7ef426673050a557eacd6344248513afthere aren’t that many


to work with here

so i figure

every time i knit them wrong,

i’m getting closer

to the few options left

of where they

really do belong.

slow but steady wins

the race.

‘key’ taken from 11:52 of luke.