cey & i: poking about some more

2.5 hours alone, 4 days a week.

that’s how many daylight hours i have

all to myself for each week of july.

it may not sound like much to you

but in my world (at least for the past 14 years)

it’s a landslide.

once the kids were deposited at their activities,

for the entire first week i dabbled.

a little of trying to refind the herbs in what had become a mini jungle,

a little of sorting out children’s drawers to see what really still fit and what did not,

a little playing the piano, writing letters and having a sit in each room of the house

just to reassess the state of things and ponder what is crying out for change.

this second week i ventured out to the local shops.

fyi: any shop seems new without the constant buzz of my kids along for the ride.

threw in some thrift store browsing as well

since i love the adventure of looking for ‘who knows what’

and the little rush of finding something unexpectedly rare.

here are the finds that will most likely make their way

IMG_5635satinto fall’s photo shoot for my collaboration with classic elite yarns.

at this point, i’m nearly done with the styling.

nearly done with the knitting.  well into the grading.

still having ever so much fun.

‘sound’ taken from 4:12-13 of ezra.

(this is an ongoing series of posts chronicling

the process of my yet to be released collaboration with classic elite yarns.

to search, all post titles will include ‘cey & i:‘ and be tagged with ‘artistic differences‘.)

2 thoughts on “cey & i: poking about some more

  1. Okay. Now I’m officially envious of your alone time!!!!! Do you have any suggestions for retired husband activity groups? LOL

    • ha. nothing comes to mind, but if i hear of something…i’ll tell you first. it’s funny how time works out so differently at different stages in different lives, no? just when i get sort of used to one stage of my life, if changes. in a good way, but still always the changes.

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