
the science of the weekend

was twofold. the first trial was chemical:

can warm hardboiled egg in a confined space

really re-tarnish my necklace to its original aged glory

after the jeweler’s free post-repair cleaning?

results, a little tarnish formed, but there’s still a long way to go.IMG_9173cropthe second trial was more psychological:

if i bring my yarn filled yarnit to the new playground

is it up to the rough and tumble of

chasing after 3 or 4 kids?


although the yarnit fared well,

the mama (that’s me) should have known betterIMG_0298cropthan to think that any knitting would be accomplished at all

during a first visit to a new playground.

lessons learned.

‘known’ taken from 14:33 of proverbs.

yarn that almost got cast on at the playground is artesano yarns hand painted alpaca.

colorway shown is ‘meadow flowers‘.