gliding above




my eldest makes balloon animals.  she’s 10 now and she’s really getting good at it.  she wants to make them for all the kids at her brother’s next birthday party.

today she decided to practise.  she asked her sister what she wanted and little edn said ‘weengs ike a boyd’.  so sj set about making up how to make them.

little e flitted and fluttered.  she swooped and swerved.  this was one active creature who they decided later on was indeed a ‘beuty full buter-flie’ with ‘wheegs like a byrd’.

came to mind as she flew about the kitchen that as soon as i learned seagulls have hollow bones (so they can float, literally, on the wind) i wanted to be one.  the question comes up often for some strange reason in my experiences ‘if you could be any animal, what would you be?’.  my answer of  ‘a seagull’ usually gets loud ‘ughs’ and ‘ews’ because these are the birds that eat garbage and dead things on our beaches.  but that doesn’t bother me.  i figure they’re recycling in their own little way and i’m really very big on recycling.

my favorite animal, by the way, is not the seagull.  it’s the giraffe.  but that’s a whole ‘nother story for different rambling kind of day.

besides, they get to ride the breezes above the waves and never have to be concerned about sun block or where they last put their dark glasses.  my paler than pale skin and my absentmindedness are all for that.  just imagine the view they have from up there  and the feeling of physical freedom has to be even more intense than the brief taste of it to be found on a harley with the wind wrapping itself all around every piece you.  i suppose that’s as close as i’ll ever get to flight.  i’m glad to have gotten that close.

and this leads my tangled brain to freedom in knitting.

i took the plunge today

and cut up a skein of kudo.

just started rolling

then snipped

then started a new ball

when the color changed dramatically.

it’s fabulous that all these

can be found in varying intensities in just one skein.

now to decide what and how to paint a ‘picture’ with it.

and lastly,

for those of you who always wondered,

butterflies (at least the ones who land on my couch) do sleep.

‘wings’ taken from 12:14 in the book of revelation.

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