if you knit (it), they will come.

my oldest daughter

has decided as a service project for a.c.t.s.

to knit a blanket for a neighbor whose 6th child will be born very, very soon.

IMG_1087shadow this is especially thrilling to me

since i’m the one who has been encouraging her to knit

for quite a while now (and i have such great leftovers for her).

IMG_1100satand it turns out

that i am not the only one for whom pulling out the needles

seems to create some sort of reverse force field that attracts (instead of repelling)

her sister (who is just learning to knit this summer),

IMG_1101shadowand her other brother

(who doesn’t knit, but speaks in a running monologue

telling all about the ongoing action of the needles and yarn),

IMG_1103cropand even her very youngest brother,

who is content to hold the ball loosely in his palms

and let the working yarn slip through his sweet fingers.

and me?

i’m not in the picture, because i’m behind the camera

but, the scene of them gathering together

and the first sign of knitting

makes me ever so happy for the rest of the day.

‘together’ taken from 34:4 of job.

5 thoughts on “if you knit (it), they will come.

    • thanks, karen. i do feel very blessed. they are precious and a riot in turns. smile.

  1. What a dear group of knitters and knitters-to-be! I love the pictures and your oldest seems pretty happy to have all the “help” she’s getting. She’s a lovely girl to think to make a blanket for the new baby. Great project! I hope you post her finished blanket! samm

    • my sweet babies. they keep me on my toes. when they are good (like in these pics), they are very very good and when they are bad, they are horrid. ha.

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