mondays with mrs. crosby: five

the thing about yarn is that we get to tell it what to do

one stitch at a time.

that is not the way that most of life goes,

at least not my life,

and it feels very, very good when something allows me that much choice

and ultimate control.

along those lines,

this week was all about swatching.

last week i pictured hat box in ‘new leaf’ and this week i’m testing ideas

(mostly gauge related) with a bit in the colorway roasted chestnut,IMG_2536-1but, it’s the same lovely fiber mix of

merino, silk and cashmere

(can i get an excited ‘oooh’ and a happy ‘aahhh’?).

such drape and my fingers

are overjoyed at being ‘forced’ to touch

this lovely yarn over and over again.

‘fingers’ taken from 8:3 of the psalms.

‘mondays with mrs. crosby’ is an ongoing series of posts

(to be posted on mondays, of course),

detailing a current collaboration between mrs. crosby yarns

and me. stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “mondays with mrs. crosby: five

  1. Excited “ooh” and happy “ahhh” from me! I love the soft look of the colours of this yarn. I think you know what I mean. 🙂 It feels soft, but the colours also look soft in that muted non-glaring way that woolly yarn has. Love it!

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