
i never catch my disco ball at dusk

without a little leaping of my heart. 043698a0d3f4eb6ae1493f2c58ce4ed9all that unexpected reflected light really makes my spirits soar.

it’s a very slight window of time

when the light is exactly

right to catch

the tiny mirrored squares.

just as sunrise and sunset change their arrival time

a smidge each day,

so too with the angle of light needed for the disco ball refraction.

haven’t seen it for weeks, but today

i rushed into my little workroom

to jot down a note hoping to keep me from forgetting tomorrow

what was on the tip of my mind this afternoon

and ‘ta-da’, disco ball time.

big smile.IMG_6753satthen just as quickly it was gone,

but not before it left its mark on me. big smile again.

‘quickly’ taken from 2:5 of joshua.


today i aimed for contentment

and the kind of peace that makes you want to smile

until your face sticks that way.

i know that you know what i mean.IMG_6604cropthere have been lots of obstacles:

burps, bumps, glitches and various other potholes,

but i’m stubborn enough to have kept at it.

now, as the day winds down

i am exhausted,

but happy.

happy in a ‘i wouldn’t trade this for anything’ kind of way

even though it was rough at multiple points and i’m dirt tired.

who, by the way, could be cranky looking at this face?

IMG_6603cropor those crazy beautiful ‘why do boys get all the good ones’ lashes?

current score: the wednesday that tried to break me = 0

me = 1

‘tired’ taken from 40:30 of isaiah.

the turning

my 8 yr old

decided to write a short poem

(“actually, it’ll be an ode, mama” he told me matter-of-factly)

for his sister’s 15th birthday.

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERASisi is my sister’s name,
Once a year we go to Maine.
Hidden‘s a story we are writing,
It is so much better than fighting.


…and off we go into the great blue yonder of another year

as of yet unknown.


baby girl.

oh how i love watching you become.

‘unknown’ taken from 48:6-7 of isaiah.