kennebec blue and olive

a few months ago,

kelly (of romney ridge farm in maine)

sent me four colors of her new downeast worsted.

we had agreed that i would take the idea of frost farm

on beals island off the maine coast

and capture some of the

memories of her childhood in a hat and mitten set.

my son, upon seeing the yarn, had his own ideas.

‘this,’ my boy told me, ‘is for the bright scarf

that you will make me so i can never get lost’IMG_5721‘and this one, do you see it?,’

IMG_5722‘this one,’ he continued, ‘will be my new coat.  i like green.’IMG_5723‘mama, you can make me a sweater in this one, right?

i want you to. it will be so warm.’IMG_5724‘don’t you think these two will be a nice hat?’IMG_5725‘pay attention, mama.  like this, see?’IMG_5726‘they will look so good together.  can you have it all done by tomorrow?’IMG_5727then he happily headed off to ride his bike up and down

his grandparent’s driveway,

leaving me and my thoughts and all the yummy yarn.

being 4, he quickly forgot what he’d asked for

which is good since

4 skeins of yarn wasn’t nearly enough for the plans

he outlined to me

and they were already earmarked to become

the frost farm hat and mittens.

for more of



check out

kelly’s blog post here.

‘island’ taken from 40:15 of isaiah.

have holder, will travel

it’s beautiful outside.

well, beautiful to this new englander.

it feels like early fall, a bit early i admit

but since spring and fall are my very favorites so

it’s all good with me.

the kids want to play outside

(i’m all for this) and i want to watch.

best of both worlds would be to watch and knit,

but i’ve written a new chart to test out and

there’s a breeze.

not a good combo that

normally would change my plans.

that is until i acquired this magma pattern holder from knitter’s pride.IMG_5715the smaller size fits my half page, the magnets keep it still and

suddenly i’m portable!

 this is so great. now i’ve got my sights set

on the larger sized one.

think of all the places i could go with that one.

‘test’ taken from 12:21 of job.


cheesy as this joke is, it has been stuck in my head all morning,

so i decided to stick it in yours as well.


on a sunny saturday, i hear

one ball of romney ridge farm‘s new downeast yarn say to the other:

“why are you sitting way up there?”IMG_5572the other skein of wool answers

(with as much of a smirk as yarn can muster),

“that’s how i roll.”

‘wool’ taken from 31:13 of proverbs.


a squeeze of slouchy,IMG_3166cropup

with a little

extra dash

of ribbing

(i find that to knit

ribbing in the round

calms & soothes

me to no end).

add in a pinch of spice

(that would be the cables that make up the crown),

and be sure to use a yarn with skads of personality

(i used a bit less than one full skein of ‘farm blend’

from romney ridge farm yarn co. for size l/xl).

mix it all together

and you wind up with ‘zari’, the hat i’ve been dreaming of.

IMG_3209crop4no matter

my mood, it fits.

a little edgy?

this works with

black jeans

and motoboots.

a granola-head

boho spirit

kind of day?

this still fits the bill.

for the way

too common

‘bad hair day’?

absolutely this is the hat i’ve grabbed.

i’ve worn it day after day this cold, frosty winter

and as of today, it’s available here on

maybe i’ll knit another…

‘calm’ taken from 15:18 in proverbs.