2 thoughts on “cey & i: shhhh, i’m counting.

  1. I’m not a big commenter but I HAD to say that the fact that you have an intact row counter that hasn’t been stolen, wrested, bribed, clicked in a sister’s ear until she threatens to flush every Lego in the house….well, that is perfect for Wordless Wednesday. I saw these, below, at Stitches but held off lest Junior end up with a new counting dog collar from his loving sister.


    • oh, this is not my first stitch counter. i’ve learned, though, that not only do the kids think the clicking is a great game, but that i really don’t concentrate well enough when they’re awake to do things that require counting much at all. now i do lace and cabling while they’re dreaming sweet dreams, and work my way through things like ribbing and stockinette in the daylight hours. live and learn. smile.

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