the beaten path

one of the few things i miss

from before i had kids: time alone in the out-of doors.

time to walk in the quiet and just be

especially in the woods.

so, for my birthday a few days ago i finagled just that

and it looked like this.

IMG_5048satfirst my excuse: wheelbarrows that needed emptying.

once there this is looking up…

IMG_5053brightand even farther up…

IMG_5052lightthen down…

IMG_5095upand an even closer look at the ground…

IMG_5068cropall the sights and smells and the soundlessness

of the hush, filled me right up.

out with the old wheelbarrows full, in with the

new thoughts of growth and spring

and the beauty of naturally aging things

like this bark i caught as a last shot

on my way back to my new year’s beginnings.

IMG_5099crop‘quiet’ taken from 4:40 of 1st chronicles.

2 thoughts on “the beaten path

  1. Lovely photos! The bark one at the end is gorgeous. And the fiddlehead ferns are so green with vitality. I’m still hoping to find some fiddleheads to sauté! I hope I haven’t missed them this year.
    I’m glad you got some alone outside time. That’s hard to come by if you have children and a home to care for. Happy birthday!

    • thank you. i had such a nice, mainly peaceful, day. and the pictures help me remember. the colors under the sky full of clouds were amazing that afternoon.

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