mondays with mrs. crosby: six

if a thing

is going to fit right

at the end of being made,

then the work has to be put in at the beginning

to design it well, allowing for

key things like the range of final sizes

and the fact that knit fabric has some give,

gorgeous drape, and the tendency to become a bit like

the warm body wearing it.

you know that, right?

my favorite hat

(after being worn weekly for the past 2 winters)

now fits me even better than it did when my friend sharon

first made it for me.

knitting becomes us in so many different ways…

but i’m getting off track here. the point at hand

is that it is time to stop, for a moment,

playing with the hat box

at my fingertips,

and put my muscle

to paper and lead for a while

so that what this yarn is begging to become

is sussed out to be actually possible.

IMG_2321ready? here we go then.

‘begging’ taken from 41:3 of job.

‘mondays with mrs. crosby’ is an ongoing series of posts

(to be posted on mondays, of course),

detailing a current collaboration between mrs. crosby yarns

and me. stay tuned.