ask for directions?

my friend w. has this great idea.

what i need, she says, is a knitting gps.

one built to respond specifically to situations like:

when i’m 3/4 of the way

through any given project,

have lost all motivation and still

refuse to even consider turning around;

when i’m blindly speeding ahead,

already 12 rows past missed increases, with no intention

of checking the directions in the foreseeable future;

when, yet again,

i ‘don’t have time’ to swatch

and will ultimately be so far off the

recommended gauge that abandoning

the project completely will be the only turn left to take;

when i am sure

that my memory will

retain the exact details of

the new pattern that i am brewing up

without my having to actually write it down…

such a device does not yet exist,

but i sure would get a lot of use out of it

if it did.  think of all the wrong turn knitting mileage

that could be avoided.  bet i could cast on 2 or 3 more projects

with all that extra time suddenly on my hands…

‘exist’ taken from 7:23-25 in ecclesiastes.

pics from top to bottom: beautiful, moses, merciful and shines.