every single word

my son

( my middle child)

has a lot to say these days

about everything.

he’ll hardly take a breath

unless you interrupt to tell him to.

i love his enthusiasm,

but i am the mama

so i do feel the need to teach him not to talk over others

and even to let them get a word in edgewise occasionally.

he did take a rare (unprompted) breath the other night at dinner

so i jumped in quick to tell ‘papa’

about some knitting related thing that had been part of my day.

i got 5 words into my story when my boy started in on the details of his next thought.

‘excuse me, mr.e,’ i said, ‘i was talking.’

‘yes, i know mama. i heard the sound of that.

i heard every single word that you said when you were saying.’

‘oh,’ says i, ‘what was i talking about?’

immediately and without doubt he said, ‘knitting.’

and i was just so happy that he had heard me and was taking it all in.

so, i stepped out on the limb to ask one more question.

‘what was i saying about knitting, e?’

and his face got very serious (but not added drama serious) as earnestly he replied,

‘mama, i sort of forgot to remember that part exactly and what do you think about this thing i was thinking today while i was swishing my milk and pb&j together in my mouth and my little sister was crying and the phone rang, after you gave my big sister the 2nd bandaid…?’

and if you’re interested,

you can read the opinion of all 3 of my kids about the new book phoebe’s sweater over here.

‘question’ taken from 18:17 in proverbs.

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