mondays with mrs. crosby: two

there is something

about the very beginning, no?

it’s not the best bit for me. the great memories

haven’t been made yet, the things to be learnt haven’t been learned,

and the feeling of satisfaction of being able to look at what i’ve finished isn’t there yet,

but, the beginning practically vibrates

with possibility


the very best kind of unknowns.

so, here’s to ‘the beginning’

(known in knitting as casting on, and often followed by ribbing of some kind):IMG_2271sqi’ll check back in on this project next monday

to let you know how much closer i am

to the satisfaction then.

‘satisfaction’ taken from 3:13 of ecclesiastes.

‘mondays with mrs. crosby’ is an ongoing series of posts

(to be posted on mondays, of course),

detailing a current collaboration between mrs. crosby yarns

and me. stay tuned.