
my friend, pam, recently found this

and knowing my love for larger needles,

she presented it to me.  i love it, but i don’t get it.

it’s a single knitting needle that appears handmadeIMG_6607and is marked with the number ’35’.

IMG_6608the really quirky bit is next.

it has a hole (about 1/4 of an inch across) drilled straight through it.IMG_6609

but, why?

my curiosity is peaked.

i suggested to the saturday morning knitters

that perhaps it’s meant to be worn on a heavy chain around the neck

like a badge of skill (or an 80’s rapper emblem).

they weren’t going for it.

does anyone else have a more plausible idea?

‘needle’ taken from 19:24 of matthew.

7 thoughts on “puzzler

  1. My guess would be it had a previous life as a leg from a table or chair. ;). And prob’ly only one made to be used for hairpin lace.

    • you are so clever! bet you’re right, too. i’ve never tried hairpin lace so i didn’t know it takes only one needle. now i’ve got the needle and i’m going to have to try it! thanks!

      • The item used for hairpin lace is actually shaped like a large hairpin and is metal. Hairpin lace and broomstick lace are quite different.

        • you’re so right. i’ve never tried either, so i bungled them together. have you done them both? do you like one better than the other?

  2. I saw something like this needle in Micha*el’s today. There was a set of four, and they were called weaving needles. It didn’t show how to use them though, and I had to rush (husband in car) so I couldn’t ask. 🙂

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