while you were sleeping

the talented

webmaster, helene rudolph,

(who built this site, by the way)

added the ‘like us on facebook’ button

that you see near the top right of this page.

(check out her cool portfolio here)

i’m jazzed having another place

to connect with knitters

and hear all of your

stories and ideas

and insights.

feel free

to write on the wall:

patterns you’d like to see,

and any other thoughts you might have.

i’ll be reading along and enjoying

getting to know you.

paintings by elsadara naomi (age 4).

‘built’ taken from 13:10in ezekiel.

these words

when my friend helene created this website for me

she added the blog

then she told me i must write

now, i like to write

just hadn’t made much time for it what with raising 3 kids and managing my household.

and i’ve enjoyed this place to put my thoughts and photos and knitting…

but, i still don’t have much time

so i don’t read other blogs

i’m sure it would be great fun

and someday i think the waking hours of my days will not be quite so jammed full

of all the daily stuff that young kids require and read i will.

still, last week i got a sunshine award

and now i can pass the cheer on

to 12 other blogs

so i need some help here.

anybody got a blog that they’d like to nominate?  or two?  or three?

‘these words’ & b’write’ taken from 6:6-9 of deuteronomy.