from the start

after a few e-mails,

a small envelope arrives.

inside are samples

different widths,

different to the touch,

all silk.

i can pick three,

& then the colors that

each will be dyed.

i’ve stood at

many a yarn shop

and had certain colorways

call out to me.

          i usually know what i like and what i don’t.

but, this time i can choose any of the colors shown here.

my mind is speechless.

my ability to choose freezes in the waves of the near endless possibilities crashing

again and again inside my head.

i head to rocks (me and my thing for rocks) for inspiration.

but should i choose the colors in turquoise, or lapis or one of the agates?

i stumble across this ring on etsy.

this is it.

i know it.

wow, ruby agate.

when applied to the silk strands i chose,

it looks like this.

now the hunt begins: to find,

or to plain old make-up,

a stitch pattern of some sort

that will do it justice.

nothing else feels like silk.


it has its own personality,

its own flair.

most of my cousins were ready to tear the needles and skein from my bare hands

as i worked three or four inches of one idea after the next,

each was frogged.

they were not quite right.

not for this yarn…

until finally, intertwined cables

(the result of graph paper

paired with more

than a few sharp pencils)

fit the playbill. ahh,

corriente‘s ‘born’.

‘different’ taken from 4:7 in first corinthians.

up on the housetops

the colors of this yarn

(south west trading company’s oasis in the colorway ‘purplexed’)

remind me so much

of pictures i’ve seen that captured

the sun just as it was sinking over the plains of africa.

and i have never seen anything else like balboa trees.

they are different enough from the trees

of my homegrown new england

as to look surreal outlined against the vast stretches of that foreign sky.

go ahead and ask … why the buckle?

i have friends

who moved their family to mombasa, kenya

and shortly thereafter taught their 7 yr old son

how to aptly maneuver a slingshot

so he could scare the monkeys

off the roof of their house.


(daily) on the roof of their house…

sometimes, it seems,

you have to be a little tough

to earn the right to live surrounded by such incredible beauty.

‘roof’ taken from 102:7 in the psalms.

photos by carolina carvalho-cross of triple’c’photography.

the stories behind ‘the great deep’

it was a year ago

(where did the time go?),

that malabrigo yarn got in touch to say

i had been picked as an mfpp (malabrigo freelance pattern project) indie designer,

paired up with alison, and given the theme ‘glittering fish’

with this photo for inspiration.

alison and i spent the next few weeks

sending notes & sketches back and forth.

by the end of the summer we had a

rough idea of who would

do what and in which malabrigo colorways.

 then the nuts and bolts

of putting patterns together began.

re-swatching, tweaking, and lots of math.

now here it is june already.

my 6 patterns (also available as an e-book)

were released on friday.  alison’s are coming up soon.

do, i’ll spend the next 6 days posting about the underwater inspirations

for each of my patterns,

why i named them what i did,

and a little about some of what did and didn’t turn out the way i expected.

remember my leap into steeking?

that was one of the patterns in ‘the great deep’.

check out the e-book patterns here

can you tell which one?

up next – ‘peixe’: what i thought it was going to be

and how it set me straight.

‘the great deep’ taken from 51:10 of isaiah.

one day out

and as a final shot

(before the e-book release tomorrow),

here are the ceramic pots that line the cobblestone walk

that leads to one of my favorite local yarn stores, fancie purls.

ann, the proprietor of said lys and an all around cool knitter, was kind enough to let

me change in her bathroom, because it was that or changing in my car.

and her bathroom is infinitely nicer, although

my car has a better stereo. (grin)

‘changed’ taken from 15:51 in first corinthians.